Three years ago today, Russia invaded Ukraine, breaking international law. President Trump’s administration keeps repeating Russian stories, so we’re here to explain what they’re saying, which is mostly propaganda.
List of his "arguments"
1. “Denazification” of Ukraine
2. “Protection of the Russian-speaking population”
3. “Preventing NATO Enlargement”
4. “Restoration of Historical Russian Territories”
5. “Prevention of a Threat from Biological or Nuclear Weapons”
6. “Battle against Western hegemony”
7. “Defense of Orthodoxy and Traditional Values”

DiplomacyBites exposes these arguments for what they truly are: unadulterated propaganda. Vladimir Putin demonstrates a profound understanding of Niccolò Machiavelli’s principles, as articulated in The Prince:
“Therefore, a wise lord cannot, nor should he, maintain fidelity when such observance may be exploited against him, and when the reasons that prompted him to pledge it no longer hold validity.” (Chapter XVIII)
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